Ryan Bolger

Ryan Bolger

Adventures In Tech

Posh-IBWAPI 3.1.0

Improvements to Send-IBFile and Receive-IBFile

Ryan Bolger

Just shipped a new Posh-IBWAPI release, version 3.1.0. There is now an -OverrideTransferHost switch in Send-IBFile and Receive-IBFile. But to understand what it does requires a bit of explanation on how file transfers work under the hood with the Infoblox WAPI. Any given file transfer (up or down) is a 3-step process that can be generalized as follows.

Posh-ACME 3.6.0

New plugins and self-hosted http challenges

Ryan Bolger

Just shipped a new Posh-ACME release, version 3.6.0. This one has a bunch of new stuff including new plugins for Domeneshop, Dreamhost, EasyDNS, and freedns.afraid.org. The other big addition is a new function called Invoke-HttpChallengeListener which can be super handy for people doing HTTP challenges. It’s basically a self-contained webserver that will respond to requests for the HTTP challenges in your order so you don’t have manually deal with making the challenge files…

Auditing Active Directory Passwords With PwnedPassCheck

Make sure users aren't using compromised passwords.

Ryan Bolger

In a previous post, I introduced a new PowerShell module called PwnedPassCheck. It can be used to check passwords and hashes against a list of over half a billion compromised passwords exposed in data breaches thanks to Troy Hunt’s incredibly useful haveibeenpwned.com. In this post, I’ll demonstrate how to use the module in conjunction with Michael Grafnetter’s amazing DSInternals module to quickly audit existing passwords in Active Directory against the compromised list.

New Module: PwnedPassCheck

Checking if passwords or hashes have been compromised.

Ryan Bolger

Troy Hunt’s incredibly useful haveibeenpwned.com is a great way to check whether your email address and other personal information was exposed in a data breach. But it also allows you to separately check if a specific password was exposed in a breach. As of version 5, the data set contains over half a billion compromised passwords and the number of times they’ve been seen in data breaches. My PwnedPassCheck module lets you query that data easily via PowerShell.

Infoblox and MS Management Permissions

How to avoid using Domain Admin

Ryan Bolger

The NIOS documentation lacks great instructions for granting least-privilege access to use the various MS Management components. As a former Active Directory admin, that bugs me because people get frustrated and end up giving service accounts Domain Admin permissions just to get things working. This post will lay out the necessary permissions for each component and provide PowerShell examples on how to apply them easily.

Posh-ACME 3.5.0

New plugin and misc fixes

Ryan Bolger

Just shipped a new Posh-ACME release, version 3.5.0. This one has an important fix due to a recent change in Let’s Encrypt’s ACME implementation which now more strictly adheres to the recently finalized RFC 8555 spec. The Let’s Encrypt change is only on the staging server at the moment, but it will likely move to production soon and it breaks account creation on all previous versions of Posh-ACME.

Posh-IBWAPI 3.0.0

File upload/download wrappers, named configs, and auto session management

Ryan Bolger

Just shipped a new Posh-IBWAPI release, version 3.0.0. It has only been two days since 2.0.0, but I goofed and shipped 2.0.0 with some breaking changes that I ended up reverting. The biggest feature of the release is the new file upload/download wrappers, Send-IBFile and Recieve-IBFile. They allow you to more easily do things like upload a certificate or download a grid backup and fill a functionality gap that has been bugging me since 1.0.

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