Ryan Bolger

Ryan Bolger

Adventures In Tech

Posh-ACME 4.4.0

New plugins and order improvements

Ryan Bolger

Just shipped a new Posh-ACME release, version 4.4.0. There are three new DNS plugin for Constellix, All-Inkl, Easyname and a couple order related new features.

PAOrder objects that get returned by things like Get-PAOrder now have a Folder property which is the filesystem path to that order’s config folder. It’s dynamically generated so if you move the config folder somewhere else, it will be updated the next time the module is loaded.

There’s also a new KeyFile parameter on New-PAOrder which allows you to import an existing private key instead of having the module generate one for you. This can be useful if you’re trying to synchronize cert details between multiple machines.

Updated versions can be found in the PowerShell Gallery or GitHub. Installation instructions are in the Readme.


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