Ryan Bolger

Ryan Bolger

Adventures In Tech

Automating Free Certs for Infoblox Grid Manager

Posh-ACME and Posh-IBWAPI, better together

Ryan Bolger

HTTPS web UIs and APIs using self-signed certificates have always annoyed me. It’s one of the reasons I started learning about PKI long before Let’s Encrypt and the ACME protocol made free publicly trusted certs available for everyone. But it may still be a while before large products and platforms like Infoblox start natively supporting ACME to make our self-signed cert woes a thing of the past. Until then, here’s how you can use Posh-ACME and Posh-IBWAPI to get a free cert…

Posh-IBWAPI 3.2.0

Per-call profiles

Ryan Bolger

Just shipped a new Posh-IBWAPI release, version 3.2.0. There is now a ProfileName parameter associated with all of the public functions that have connection specific parameters such as WAPIHost, WAPIVersion, and Credential. This should make it easier to change profiles on a per-call basis instead of needing to run Set-IBConfig to switch away and back again.

Ryan Bolger

An IPAM solution is not very useful unless it accurately reflects the state of your network. The discovery features in NIOS have always been one of the great benefits of having Infoblox DDI. Network Insight and NetMRI focus on discovery of network gear and what is connected to it. The vDiscovery feature adds the ability to discover virtual infrastructure in both public and private cloud environments. All of these working together can give you a super accurate picture of what exists on your…

Posh-IBWAPI 3.1.0

Improvements to Send-IBFile and Receive-IBFile

Ryan Bolger

Just shipped a new Posh-IBWAPI release, version 3.1.0. There is now an -OverrideTransferHost switch in Send-IBFile and Receive-IBFile. But to understand what it does requires a bit of explanation on how file transfers work under the hood with the Infoblox WAPI. Any given file transfer (up or down) is a 3-step process that can be generalized as follows.

Posh-IBWAPI 3.0.0

File upload/download wrappers, named configs, and auto session management

Ryan Bolger

Just shipped a new Posh-IBWAPI release, version 3.0.0. It has only been two days since 2.0.0, but I goofed and shipped 2.0.0 with some breaking changes that I ended up reverting. The biggest feature of the release is the new file upload/download wrappers, Send-IBFile and Recieve-IBFile. They allow you to more easily do things like upload a certificate or download a grid backup and fill a functionality gap that has been bugging me since 1.0.

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