Ryan Bolger

Ryan Bolger

Adventures In Tech

Posh-ACME 3.13.0

Lots of new plugins

Ryan Bolger

Just shipped a new Posh-ACME release, version 3.13.0. There are a whole bunch of new plugins in this release and a whopping four of them were submitted by Anton Samsonov (@WiZaRd31337). One of the other big additions is the long-awaited RFC2136 plugin which utilizes BIND’s nsupdate utility to perform dynamic DNS updates. If you’re on Windows, definitely check the usage guide if you plan to use this because you likely need to download and install the nsupdate prerequisite.

Updated versions can be found in the PowerShell Gallery or GitHub. Installation instructions are in the Readme.


  • Added new DNS plugins
  • When creating a new order, chain.cer and fullchain.cer are now backed up along with the other files.
  • Added a workaround for non-compliant ACME server Nexus CM (#227)
  • Various usage guide corrections. (Thanks @webprofusion-chrisc)
  • Fixed a bug where New-PACertificate required the -Force parameter if the previous order was deactivated.
  • Fixed the dev install script to account for a redirected Documents folder.
  • Minor changes to how Gandi plugin works to address potential edge case bugs.

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