Ryan Bolger

Ryan Bolger

Adventures In Tech

Posh-ACME 3.12.0

Set-PAOrder improvements, upgraded BouncyCastle, and misc fixes.

Ryan Bolger

Just shipped a new Posh-ACME release, version 3.12.0. The Set-PAOrder function now has -DnsPlugin and -PluginArgs parameters which should make it easier to change DNS providers and/or provider parameters without needing to wait for a certificate renewal. The BouncyCastle library has been updated to the latest 1.8.5 version and the DLL file is using a non-standard name to avoid conflicts with other software that uses BouncyCastle and chooses to install the DLL into the .NET GAC. For some reason, PowerShell will always choose to use the GAC copy rather than the module’s copy even if the module’s version is newer when they are named the same.

Updated versions can be found in the PowerShell Gallery or GitHub. Installation instructions are in the Readme.


  • Set-PAOrder now has -DnsPlugin and -PluginArgs parameters to allow changing plugins and associated credentials prior to a renewal operation.
  • Upgraded BouncyCastle library to version and renamed the DLL to avoid conflicts with older copies that may get installed into the .NET GAC by other software.
  • ACME server errors returned during calls to Revoke-PAAuthorization are now non-terminating errors rather than warnings.
  • Fixed bug where new orders created with New-PACertificate and no explicit plugin wouldn’t get the Manual default if the account was already authorized for the included names.
  • Fixed Get-PAAuthorizations when using explicit account reference
  • Fixed datetime parsing issues on non-US culture environments (#208)
  • Fixed errors thrown by Submit-Renewal when run against an order with a null DnsPlugin. A warning is now thrown instead.
  • Fixed parameter binding error when using -PluginArgs with Submit-Renewal
  • Fixed HurricanElectric guide’s parameter references
  • Fixed Azure tests

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